Jiangpeng Shu
Showing 30 publications
Recommendations for structural assessment of RC slabs using the finite element method
Field destructive testing of a reinforced concrete bridge deck slab
Distribution of shear force: A multi-level assessment of a cantilever RC slab
A framework for digital twin of civil infrastructure-challenges and opportunities
Multi-level assessment of a full-scale tested bridge deck slab
Shear Capacity of a RC Bridge Deck Slab: Comparison between Multilevel Assessment and Field Test
Internal force distribution in RC slabs subjected to punching shear
Multi-level Assessment of a Field Tested RC Bridge Deck Slab
Structural Analysis Methods for the Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs
Punching/Shear Strength of a Full-scale Tested Bridge Deck Slab
Numerical prediction of punching behavior of RC slabs using 3D non-linear FE analysis
Shear force distribution in rc slabs subjected to punching: Solid nonlinear fe anlayses
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum nonlinear FE analysis
Shear Force Distribution in RC Slabs Subjected To Punching: Solid Nonlinear FE Analyses
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum non-linear FE analysis
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for analysis of RC bridge deck slabs
Punching Capacity of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slab Loaded to Failure
A Multi-levelStructural Assessment Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs
Development of modelling strategies for two-way RC slabs
Finite Element Modelling of Two-way RC Slabs with Varying Modelling Choices
Two-way slabs: Experimental investigation of load redistributions in steel fibre reinforced concrete
Structural Assessment of Bridge Deck Slabs
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Showing 2 research projects
Recommendations for Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Load Carrying Capacity of Existing Bridge Deck Slabs