Margareth Sidarta

Doctoral Student at Chemical Biology

In the era where multi-resistant superbugs have become the global health threat, Margareth Sidarta studies bacterial cell envelope stress responses against antibiotics in her PhD project. Using Bacillus subtilis as a model organism as well as several pathogenic bacteria, her work involves molecular cloning, fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopy-based methods, and -omics approaches. The project goal is to provide a better understanding on how bacteria become resistance to antibiotics and use this knowledge to develop new antibacterial strategies.

Image of Margareth Sidarta

Showing 2 publications


Lipid phase separation impairs membrane thickness sensing by the Bacillus subtilis sensor kinase DesK

Margareth Sidarta, Ana I. Lorente Martin, Anuntxi Monsalve et al
Microbiology spectrum. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Roles of Bacterial Mechanosensitive Channels in Infection and Antibiotic Susceptibility

Margareth Sidarta, Luna Baruah, Michaela Wenzel
Pharmaceuticals. Vol. 15 (7)
Review article

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Showing 1 research projects


Antibiotic-induced amino acid release - A new antimicrobial strategy?

Michaela Wenzel Chemical Biology
Margareth Sidarta Chemical Biology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

2 publications exist
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