Sindija Franzetti

Senior Lecturer at Language and Communication

I teach academic writing in English and Swedish at the undergraduate level, emphasizing writing as a process and focusing on reading and writing for specific purposes. My background is in English, specifically in literary studies. Currently, I am conducting research at the intersection of literary studies and writing pedagogy. I have a particular interest in collaborative writing and the use of AI in writing instruction.

Image of Sindija Franzetti

Showing 9 publications


Mark Dunn

Sindija Franzetti

Gordon Lish

Sindija Franzetti

Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

Sindija Franzetti

Let the Family in: Braiding Motherhood and Scholarship for Sustainable Academia

Sindija Franzetti, Alicia Andrzejewski, Christina Katopodis et al
Other conference contribution

Developing a Micro-Curriculum for Critical AI Literacy in a PhD-Level Academic Writing Course

Sindija Franzetti, Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder et al
Other conference contribution

Conceptualising and cultivating Critical GAI Literacy in doctoral academic writing

Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder, Sindija Franzetti et al
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 66
Journal article

“This Notebook, Your Letter” The Future Reader and the Pivotal Present in Louise Erdrich’s Future Home of the Living God

Sindija Franzetti
On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture (15)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Designing and improving a micro-curriculum on Critical Generative AI Literacy for doctoral students

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Sindija Franzetti Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Baraa Khuder Language and Communication

3 publications exist
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