Pratompong Srinuan
Showing 23 publications
Pricing strategies and innovations in the Thai mobile communications market
Fixed and mobile broadband substitution in Sweden
The determinants of mobile subscriber retention in Sweden
An analysis of mobile Internet access in Thailand: Implications for bridging the digital divide
Exploring Mobile Pricing Strategies and Innovations in Thai Mobile Communication Market
Time for multiplay? An analysis of bundling services in the Swedish telecommunications markets
An analysis of switching behavior in the Thai cellular market
The Mobile Broadband and Fixed Broadband Battle in Swedish Market: Complementary or substitution?
An analysis of mobile Internet access in Thailand: Implications for bridging the digital divide
An analysis of the switching behavior in the Thailand cellular market
Digital divide in ASEAN countries: Explaining the gap
Who needs more subscriptions? An empirical analysis of the Thailand mobile phone market
Evaluating the Swedish mobile communications market: Switching costs and network effects
On-net price plan as an instrument to create network externalities: Swedish Mobile Industry
Mobile Number Portability: Evaluating the Swedish Mobile Market
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