Steven Hoffenson

Forskare at Product Development image

Showing 16 publications



Hossein Basereh Taramsari, John McFarren, Matilda Watz et al
Proceedings of the Design Society. Vol. 3, p. 677-686
Paper in proceeding

Transforming brand core values into perceived quality: A Volvo case study

Kostas Stylidis, Steven Hoffenson, Monica Rossi et al
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 24 (1), p. 43-67
Journal article

A Welding Capability Assessment Method (WCAM) to support multidisciplinary design of aircraft structures

Julia Madrid, Anders Forslund, Rikard Söderberg et al
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing. Vol. 12 (3), p. 833-851
Journal article

CDIO Based Engineering Design and Optimization Course

Johannes Quist, Kanishk Bhadani, Magnus Bengtsson et al
Proceedings of 2017 International CDIO Conference, Calgary, Canada, p. 298-314
Paper in proceeding

Taxation and Transparency: How Policy Decisions Impact Product Quality and Sustainability

Steven Hoffenson, Rikard Söderberg
Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 137 (10)
Journal article

Visual quality and sustainability considerations in tolerance optimization: A market-based approach

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg
International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 168, p. 167-180
Journal article

Systems thinking in tolerance and quality-related design decision-making

Steven Hoffenson, Rikard Söderberg
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 27, p. 59-64
Paper in proceeding

Corporate and customer understanding of core values regarding perceived quality: Case studies on Volvo Car Group and Volvo Group Truck Technology

Konstantinos Stylidis, Steven Hoffenson, Casper Wickman et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 21, p. 171-176
Paper in proceeding

Policy and demand as drivers for product quality and sustainability: A market systems approach

Steven Hoffenson, Rikard Söderberg
ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2014; Buffalo; United States; 17 August 2014 through 20 August. Vol. 2A
Paper in proceeding

Comparing Standards and Policies for Sustainability in Tolerance Optimization

Steven Hoffenson, Rikard Söderberg
ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Vol. 4
Paper in proceeding

Tolerance optimisation considering economic and environmental sustainability

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg
Journal of Engineering Design. Vol. 25 (10-12), p. 367-390
Journal article

Sustainability-driven tolerancing and design optimization of an aircraft engine component

Steven Hoffenson, Anders Forslund, Rikard Söderberg
Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Vol. 12
Paper in proceeding

Tolerance Optimization of a Mobile Phone Considering Consumer Demand for Quality and Sustainability in China, Sweden, and the United States

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg
International Conference on Engineering Design. Vol. 7 DS75-07, p. 467-476
Journal article

Tolerance Specification Optimization for Economic and Ecological Sustainability

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Vol. Part F1158, p. 865-874
Book chapter

Tolerance Optimization for Economic and Ecological Sustainability Using RD&T

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg et al
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management
Other conference contribution

A Multi-objective Tolerance Optimization Approach for Economic, Ecological, and Social Sustainability

Steven Hoffenson, Andreas Dagman, Rikard Söderberg
20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE)
Paper in proceeding

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