Kathryn Strong Hansen
Showing 10 publications
Optimistic Fiction as a Tool for Ethical Reflection in STEM
The Fairy Race: Artemis Fowl and Hierarchies of Race and Gender
Dress as Deceptive Visual Rhetoric in Eliza Haywood's Fantomina
One Book, One Chalmers: Extending Classroom Conversations
Dress as Fairy Gold: The Danger of Fairy Tale Tropes in Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle.
Literature for Specific Purposes: A Literary Approach to Teaching Ethics in Science and Technology
Literature-Generated Empathy to Teach 'Green' Engineering Ethics
Stunted Growth: Dwarfs and the Rejection of Sexuality in the Artemis Fowl Series
The Metamorphosis of Katniss Everdeen: The Hunger Games, Myth, and Femininity
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