Kaj Sunesson
Kaj Sunesson is an instructor at the Division of Innovation and R&D Management.

Showing 17 publications
The Lost Structure: A History of How More Information Ends up in Less Study Time
The Introduction of Digital Exams - Experiences from a pilot study
Att avveckla befintliga- och utveckla nya utbildningsprogram utan en kris
Ämnesstråks-, lärsekvens- och profilansvariga som stöd i programutveckling
Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Barriers - Three Blurry Terms in KM
Virtual reality in city planning - A longitudinal study
Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Barriers - Three Blurry Terms in KM
Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Barriers - Three Blurry Terms in KM
Virtual Reality As a New Tool in the City Planning Process
Usability and perception of an architectural VR-model of an office building
Perceived meaning in virtual reality architectural models.
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