Sverker Holmgren
Holmgren was recruited in 2020 by Chalmers University of Technology as the Director of Chalmers e-Infrastructure Commons. Chalmers e-Commons is Chalmers´ digital research infrastructure, implementing and/or providing access to the full spectrum of services needed by Chalmers researchers using a data-centric approach. E-Commons is also the local interface towards national and international e-infrastructure and data initiatives. Holmgren is appointed as the Chalmers Delegate to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Council and the Chalmers representative in the European university network CESAER´s Working Group on Open Science. CV in short: Director of Chalmers e-Infrastructure Commons at Chalmers University of Technology, Research Professor in Scientific Computing
2010: Professor in Scientific Computing at Uppsala University
2011-2019: Program Director for the Nordic e-Science Globalisation Initiative, NordForsk, Oslo (part-time)
1993-2010: Senior Lecturer (“Universitetslektor”) in Scientific Computing, Uppsala University
1987-1993: PhD student

Showing 2 research projects