Sven Dahlman

Showing 10 publications


Articulation at shoulder level - A pilot experimental study on car seat comfort

DA. Coelho, Sven Dahlman
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 43 (1), p. 27-37
Journal article

Evaluation and Design of Tram Crossings/Stops in Town Environment to Decrease the Risk for Pedestrian Accidents

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Sven Dahlman
2nd International Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2008,
Paper in proceeding

Ergonomisk utvärdering av spårövergångar och säkerhetsåtgärder.

Maria Eriksson, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Sven Dahlman

Exploring User Background Settings in Cognitive Walkthrough Evaluation on Medical Prototype Interfaces: A Case Study.

Yuanhua Liu, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Sven Dahlman
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol. 35 (4), p. pp.379-390
Journal article

Alarm Systems in the Nuclear Industry - Survey of the Working Situation and Identification of Future Research Issues

Anna Jönsson, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Conny Holmström et al
Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Session, HPR-363. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating alarm system design on medical equipment in the early design stage: A three-method based approach.

Yuanhua Liu, Sven Dahlman, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Proceedings of the 35th Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, 2003, Reykjavik, Iceland
Paper in proceeding

Product Requirement Engineering: Methods, mediating objects and preconditions in SME's

Matti A. Kaulio, MariAnne Karlsson, Peter Rydebrink et al
Proceedings of the 10th Internatiol Conference on Engineering Design, Prag 1995. Vol. 2, p. 617-630
Paper in proceeding

A Research Program with a Systems Approach to Ergonomic Development of Materials Handling Technology and Work Procedures in Transportation

Christian Almström, Sven Dahlman, Mats Johansson et al
The ergonomics of manual work, Marras, Karwowski, Smith and Pacholski (eds.), Taylor & Francis
Paper in proceeding

Causes of Ergonomic Problems in Materials Handling and Transportation

Christian Almström, Sven Dahlman, Mats Johansson et al
The ergonomics of manual work, Marras, Karwowski, Smith and Pacholski (eds.), p. 487-490
Paper in proceeding

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