Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi

Showing 6 publications


Pt Nanoparticle Sintering and Redispersion on a Heterogeneous Nanostructured Support

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi, Torben Pingel, Eva Olsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 120 (27), p. 14918-14925
Journal article

Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy of Platinum Catalyst Nanoparticle Sintering in a Mesoporous Alumina Support

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi, Torben Pingel, Eva Olsson et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 10 (5), p. 5063-5069
Journal article

In situ Studies of Platinum Catalyst Sintering

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi
Doctoral thesis

In situ plasmonic sensing of platinum model catalyst sintering on different oxide supports and in O2 and NO2 atmospheres with different concentrations

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi, Francesco Mazzotta, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 5 (1), p. 426-432
Journal article

Transient Bimodal Particle Size Distributions during Pt Sintering on Alumina and Silica

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi, Vladimir Zhdanov, Christoph Langhammer et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 119 (2), p. 989-996
Journal article

Studies of catalyst sintering during operating conditions

Pooya Tabib Zadeh Adibi
Licentiate thesis

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