Giovanna Sammarco Tancredi

Senior Researcher at Quantum Technology

Image of Giovanna Sammarco Tancredi

Showing 13 publications


Signal Crosstalk in a Flip-Chip Quantum Processor

Sandoko Kosen, Hangxi Li, Marcus Rommel et al
PRX Quantum. Vol. 5 (3)
Journal article

Reference-State Error Mitigation: A Strategy for High Accuracy Quantum Computation of Chemistry

Phalgun Lolur, Mårten Skogh, Werner Barucha-Dobrautz et al
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Vol. 19 (3), p. 783-789
Journal article

The electron density: a fidelity witness for quantum computation

Mårten Skogh, Werner Barucha-Dobrautz, Phalgun Lolur et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 15 (6), p. 2257-2265
Journal article

Transmon qubit readout fidelity at the threshold for quantum error correction without a quantum-limited amplifier

Liangyu Chen, Hangxi Li, Yong Lu et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Extensive characterization and implementation of a family of three-qubit gates at the coherence limit

Christopher Warren, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Shahnawaz Ahmed et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Three-wave mixing traveling-wave parametric amplifier with periodic variation of the circuit parameters

Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri, Hampus Renberg Nilsson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 122 (5)
Journal article

Experimentally Verified, Fast Analytic, and Numerical Design of Superconducting Resonators in Flip-Chip Architectures

Hangxi Li, Daryoush Shiri, Sandoko Kosen et al
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. Vol. 4
Journal article

Mitigation of frequency collisions in superconducting quantum processors

Amr Osman, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Christopher Warren et al
Physical Review Research. Vol. 5 (4)
Journal article

Measurement and control of a superconducting quantum processor with a fully integrated radio-frequency system on a chip

Mats O. Tholén, Riccardo Borgani, Giuseppe Ruggero Di Carlo et al
Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 93 (10), p. 104711-
Journal article

Building blocks of a flip-chip integrated superconducting quantum processor

Sandoko Kosen, Hangxi Li, Marcus Rommel et al
Quantum Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (3)
Journal article

Critical slowing down in circuit quantum electrodynamics

Paul Brookes, Giovanna Tancredi, Andrew D. Patterson et al
Science advances. Vol. 7 (21)
Journal article

Fast Multiqubit Gates through Simultaneous Two-Qubit Gates

Xiu Gu, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Pontus Vikstål et al
PRX Quantum. Vol. 2 (4)
Journal article

Improved Success Probability with Greater Circuit Depth for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Andreas Bengtsson, Pontus Vikstål, Christopher Warren et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 14 (3)
Journal article

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