Bengt Lundqvist
Short CURRICULUM VITAE for Bengt I. Lundqvist
Born: February 20, 1938, in Göteborg, Sweden.
Business address: Physics dept., Chalmers Univ. of Techn. (CUT),
S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Exams and Awards: PhD in Theoretical physics, CUT1969,
docent in Solid state theory, CUT1969.
Fellow of the American Phys. Society 2004.
Positions: Various research and teaching positions, up to the
docent-position level, at CUT 1959-1972;
Special scientist, condensed matter theory, at the Swedish
Natural Science Research Council 1972-74;
Professor in physics, Aarhus University 1974-78;
Professor in theoretical physics, University of Linköping, 1978;
Professor in mathematical physics, CUT and Göteborg Univ.1978 - 2005;
Professor emeritus at CUT 2005--.
Visiting positions: Visiting fellow at Cornell University (CU) 1970;
Visiting professor at CU 1973-74;
Guest scientist at IBM, Yorktown Heights 1982;
Visiting professor at CU 1983;
Visiting professor at DTU 1984;
Visiting professor at Rutgers University 1991, 1993, 1997, and 1999;
Corresponding fellow at NORDITA 1996-97;
Visiting scientist at Max Planck Inst., Stuttgart, 2005-6;
Visiting professor at CAMD, DTU 2005-10.
Academic commitments: On board of Inst.of Phys., Univ. Aarhus 1975-77;
Chairman for the Physics Computer Services at CUT 1979-90;
Vicechairman of Inst. of Theoretical Physics, CUT/GU 1979-81;
Member of the Board of the Cond. Matter Div. of the Eur. Phys. Soc.1979-82;
Member of the Board of CUT 1980-83; vice-dean of the Techn. Faculty, member of the
Techn. Faculty Council and of the President advisory group of CUT 1980-83;
Member of the Committee of the Surface and Interface Section of the Condensed
Matter Division of the European Physical Society 1981-87;
Chairman of the Institute of Theoretical Phys., GU/CUT, 1981-84;
Dean of the School of Phys.and Engin. Phys. and chairman of the Phys. Faculty Council
of GU/CUT 1983-87;
elected member and later chairman of the Committee of the Condensed Matter Division
of the Swedish Phys.Soc.1982-97,
member and mostly chairman of the Board of the Consortium for Heavy Computations
at CUT 1987-2002;
Leader of the NUTEK/NFR/SSF-supported Interdisciplinary Materials Consortium #9
"Theoretical and Computational Materials Physics" 1990-2000;
Elected member of the Board for Coord. of the Swedish Materials Consortia 1990-93;
Chairman of CUT/GU Physics Dean's committees on engineering-physics teaching and
buildings 2000-02;
Chairman of Department of Applied physics, GU/ CUT, 2000-5.
Graduate supervision: About 30 PhD's -
Virulh Sa-yakanith (AS = Assistant Supervisor),
Olle Gunnarsson,
Christer Lydén (AS),
Hans Hjelmberg,
Jens K. Nørskov (Aarhus University).
Peder Johansson (AS),
Mats Persson,
Bo Hellsing,
Peter Nordlander,
Claes Holmberg,
Stefan Holmström,
Aare Mällo,
Lotta Hedenäs,
Christer Engdahl,
Tony Fondén,
Jairo Giraldo,
Uno Yxklinten,
Ylva Andersson,
Johan Strömquist,
Alexander Bogicevic,
Jan Hartford,
Yashar Yourdshahyan,
Erika Hult,
Carlo Ruberto,
Henrik Rydberg,
Staffan Ovesson,
Sergey Dudiy,
Behrooz Razaznejad,
Anders Hellman,
Alexandra Vojvodic (AS),
André Kelkkanen (AS, DTU) - and 24 licentiates.
Scientific papers: About 150 papers in international journals.
About 33,000 citations in total, average citations per item 200.
Educational activities: More than forty years of teaching (25 % of position
duties) at most levels and in varying forms in many diffrent courses in
theoretical physics.
Pet activity: project-related training (since 1974),
with focus on multi-pronged examination.

Showing 69 publications
The vdW-DF Family of Non-Local Exchange-Correlation Functionals
van der Waals forces in density functional theory: a review of the vdW-DF method
RPBE-vdW Description of Benzene Adsorption on Au(111)
Comment on "Nonlocal Van Der Waals Density Functional Made Simple”
Higher-accuracy van der Waals density functional
A density functional for sparse matter
Stacking Interactions and DNA Intercalation
Electron Transfer and Nonadiabaticity
Stacking Interactions and the Twist of DNA
Understanding Heterogeneous Catalysis from the Fundamentals
Chapter 10 Electron Transfer and Nonadiabaticity
Nature of Versatile Chemisorption on TiC(111) and TiN(111) Surfaces
Nature of adsorption on TiC(111) investigated with density-functional calculations
Nature of Bond between SiC and Graphite
Non-adiabatic Effects in Initial Sticking
Nature of Chemisorption on Titanium Carbide and Nitride
Trends in Atomic Adsorption on Titanium Carbide and Nitride
First-principles determination of the polyethylene crystal structure
Comment on "Attracted by Long-Range Electron Correlation: Adenine on Graphite"
NO oxidation properties of Pt(111) revealed by ab initio kinetic simulations
One-dimensional electron systems for anchoring growth of carbon nanostructures
Van der Waals density functional for general geometries (vol 92, art no 246401, 2004)
Van der Waals Density Functional Theory with Applications
Van der Waals Density Functional for General Geometries
Surface properties of metastable alumina: A comparative study of κ- and α-Al2O3
Van der Waals Density Functional for Layered Structures
Self-Organized One-Dimensional Electron Systems on a Low-Symmetry Oxide Surface
Initial sticking of O2 modeled by nonadiabatic charge transfer
Adiabatic potential-energy surfaces for oxygen on Al(111)
Hydrogen dynamics in magnesium and graphite
Bridging between micro- and macroscales of materials by mesoscopic models
Quantum origin of the oxygen storage capability of ceria
Stability of oxygen adsorption sites and ultrathin aluminum oxide films on Al(111)
Transport in robust fullerene-tube heterostructure transistor
Bridging between micro- and macroscales of materials by mesoscopic models
Density-functional calculation of van der Waals forces for free-electron-like surfaces
First-principles study of surface and subsurface O structures at Al(111)
Electronic, bonding, and optical properties of CeO2 and Ce2O3 from first principles
Neglected adsorbate interactions behind diffusion prefactor anomalies on metals
Density-functional bridge between surfaces and interfaces
Theoretical Structure Determination of a Complex Material: κ-Al2O3
First-principles calculations on the atomic and electronic structure of kappa-Al2O3
Ballistic motion and abstraction in dimer dissociation at surfaces: Cl-2 on K
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