Thomas Gkourmpis

Doktor at Engineering Materials image

Showing 9 publications


Polymer composition for wire and cable applications with advantageous electrical properties

Amir Masoud Pourrahimi, Per Ola Hagstrand, Thomas Gkourmpis et al

Recyclable Polyethylene Insulation via Reactive Compounding with a Maleic Anhydride-Grafted Polypropylene

Yingwei Ouyang, Massimiliano Mauri, Amir Masoud Pourrahimi et al
ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Vol. 2 (6), p. 2389-2396
Journal article

Nonlinear “oddities” at the percolation of 3D hierarchical graphene polymer nanocomposites

Roland Kádár, Karolina Gaska, Thomas Gkourmpis
Rheologica Acta. Vol. 59 (5), p. 333-347
Journal article

Mechanical Behavior of Melt‐Mixed 3D Hierarchical Graphene/Polypropylene Nanocomposites

Karolina Gaska, Georgia Manika, Thomas Gkourmpis et al
Polymers. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Linear and nonlinear shear rheology of low percolation graphene - isotactic polypropylene nanocomposites

Roland Kádár, Thomas Gkourmpis
Other conference contribution

New Tools for Understanding Complex Polymer Behaviour

Geoffrey R. Mitchell, Artur Maetus, Fred Davis et al
Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. 12, p. 280-290
Paper in proceeding

Correlation between phase-behavior and thermo-mechanical properties of a melt-miscible blend

Thomas Gkourmpis, Mattias Andersson, Christian Müller
Other conference contribution

Invariant Dielectric Strength upon Addition of Low Amounts of HDPE to LDPE

Mattias Andersson, Xiangrong Chen, Jonna Hynynen et al
Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP. Vol. 2016-December, p. 711-714
Paper in proceeding

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