Thomas Ljungdahl
Showing 20 publications
Solid-Phase Synthesis of 5 '-O- N-(Acyl)sulfamoyl adenosine Derivatives
Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies
Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer
Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow fragment
Two competing mechanisms for the copper-free Sonogashira cross-coupling reaction
A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly
Charge recombination versus charge separation in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Palladium catalysis in the synthesis of covalently linked diporphyrins
Triplet photophysics of gold(III) porphyrins
Photoinduced hole transfer from the triplet state in a porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor system
Synthesis of phenylethynyl-bridged diporphyrins : new modifications to the Sonogashira reaction
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