Thomas Ljungdahl

Showing 20 publications


Determination of primary sequence specificity of Arabidopsis MAPKs MPK3 and MPK6 leads to identification of new substrates.

Carolin Sörensson, Marit Lenman, Jenny Veide Vilg et al
Biochemical Journal. Vol. 446 (2), p. 271-8
Journal article

Solid-Phase Synthesis of 5 '-O- N-(Acyl)sulfamoyl adenosine Derivatives

Itedale Namro Redwan, Hanna Jacobson Ingemyr, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
European Journal of Organic Chemistry. Vol. 2012 (19), p. 3665-3669
Journal article

Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies

Karl Börjesson, Joanna Wiberg, Afaf El-Sagheer et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 4 (9), p. 5037-5046
Journal article

Positional Scanning Peptide Libraries for Kinase Substrate Specificity Determinations: Straightforward and Reproducible Synthesis Using Pentafluorophenyl Esters.

Thomas Ljungdahl, Jenny Veide Vilg, Fredrik Wallner et al
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry. Vol. 12 (5), p. 733-742
Journal article

Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 131 (8), p. 2831-2839
Journal article

Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow fragment

Peter Sandin, Gudrun Stengel, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 37 (12), p. 3924-3933
Journal article

Synthesis and use of positional scanning peptide libraries for determination of kinase substrate consensus sequences

Jenny Veide Vilg, Thomas Ljungdahl, Markus J. Tamás et al
Functional Genomics Symposium: Chemical Biology – Molecules to Probe Life, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Two competing mechanisms for the copper-free Sonogashira cross-coupling reaction

Thomas Ljungdahl, T. Bennur, A. Dallas et al
Organometallics. Vol. 27 (11), p. 2490-2498
Journal article

Specificity of MAP kinase substrates – determination of consensus sequences using positional scanning peptide libraries

Jenny Veide Vilg, Thomas Ljungdahl, Morten Grötli et al
Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Other conference contribution

A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 691-691
Journal article

Charge recombination versus charge separation in donor-bridge-acceptor systems

Joanna Wiberg, L. J. Guo, Karin Pettersson et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 129 (1), p. 155-163
Journal article

Geometrically homogeneous series of covalently linked zinc/free-base porphyrin dimers of varying length; design, synthesis and characterization

Thomas Ljungdahl, Karin Pettersson, Bo Albinsson et al
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (14), p. 3087-3096
Journal article

Interplay between Barrier Width and Height in Electron Tunneling: Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-Based Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems

Karin Pettersson, Joanna Wiberg, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 110 (1), p. 319-326
Journal article

Triplet excitation energy transfer in porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor systems with conjugated bridges of varying length: An experimental and DFT study

Mattias P Eng, Thomas Ljungdahl, Jerker Mårtensson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 110 (13), p. 6483-6491
Journal article

Singlet Energy Transfer in Porphyrin-Based Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Systems: Interaction between Bridge Length and Bridge Energy

Karin Pettersson, Alexander Kyrychenko, Elin Rönnow et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 110 (1), p. 310-318
Journal article

Triplet photophysics of gold(III) porphyrins

Mattias P Eng, Thomas Ljungdahl, Joakim Andreasson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 109 (9), p. 1776-1784
Journal article

Photoinduced hole transfer from the triplet state in a porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor system

Joakim Andreasson, Gerdenis Kodis, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 107 (42), p. 8825-8833
Journal article

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