Philip Townsend

Showing 4 publications


Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography

Philip Townsend, Emanuel Larsson, Tomas Karlson et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 194
Journal article

A Saint-Venant Model for Overland Flows with Precipitation and Recharge

Mehmet Ersoy, Omar Lakkis, Philip Townsend
Mathematical and Computational Applications. Vol. 26 (1)
Journal article

Tessellation-based stochastic modelling of 3D coating structures imaged with FIB-SEM tomography

Philip Townsend, Torben Nilsson Pingel, Niklas Lorén et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 197
Journal article

Large-Scale Statistical Learning for Mass Transport Prediction in Porous Materials Using 90,000 Artificially Generated Microstructures

Benedikt Prifling, Magnus Röding, Philip Townsend et al
Frontiers in Materials. Vol. 8
Journal article

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