Tsani Annafari
Showing 16 publications
A socio-economic exploration of mobile phone service have-nots in Sweden
Empirical exploration of factors that determine multiple mobile phone subscriptions
Multiple subscriptions of mobile telephony: Explaining the diffusion pattern using sampling data
Understanding mobile service diffusion as an evolutionary process: A study of the Swedish market
Why is the diffusion of mobile service not an evolutionary process?
Intergenerational effects of mobile service diffusion in Sweden
A multiple ownerships diffusion model of cellular service: A study of the Swedish market
An analysis of switching behavior in the Thai cellular market
An analysis of the switching behavior in the Thailand cellular market
Who needs more subscriptions? An empirical analysis of the Thailand mobile phone market
Quasi-subscribers and Demand Saturation: An Analysis of the Swedish Mobile Phone Market
Quasi-subscribers in the Swedish Mobile Phone Market: The Phenomenon and Determinant Factors
Recognizing cord-cutters in the Swedish telecom market
Estimating Mobile Phone Non-subscribers and Quasi-subscribers by Sampling
Counting active SIM cards or subscribers: Implications for research and policy studies
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