Valentin Tudor

Showing 12 publications


BES: Differentially Private Event Aggregation for large-scale IoT-based Systems

Valentin Tudor, Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Magnus Almgren et al
Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol. 108, p. 1241-1257
Journal article

The influence of dataset characteristics on privacy preserving methods in the Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren, Marina Papatriantafilou
Computers and Security. Vol. 76, p. 178-196
Journal article

Employing Private Data in AMI Applications: Short Term Load Forecasting Using Differentially Private Aggregated Data

Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren, Marina Papatriantafilou
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing, Toulouse, France, 18-21 July 2016, p. 404-413
Paper in proceeding

BES - Differentially Private and Distributed Event Aggregation in Advanced Metering Infrastructures

Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren et al
2nd ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2016), p. 59-69
Paper in proceeding

Harnessing the unknown in advanced metering infrastructure traffic

Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren, Marina Papatriantafilou
SAC '15 Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Vol. 13-17-April-2015, p. 2204-2211
Paper in proceeding

A study on data de-pseudonymization in the smart grid

Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren, Marina Papatriantafilou
8th European Workshop on System Security, EuroSec 2015; Bordeaux, France
Paper in proceeding

Cybersecurity and Data Management in the Smart Grid

Magnus Almgren, Zhang Fu, Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano et al
Chalmers Initiative Seminar on Big Data
Conference poster

Analysis of the Impact of Data Granularity on Privacy for the Smart Grid

Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren, Marina Papatriantafilou
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p. 61-70
Paper in proceeding

Cybersecurity in the Smart Grid

Magnus Almgren, Zhang Fu, Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano et al
Chalmers Energy Conference 2013
Conference poster

Remote control of smart meters: friend or foe?

Mihai Costache, Valentin Tudor, Magnus Almgren et al
Proceedings - 2011 7th European Conference on Computer Network Defense, EC2ND 2011, p. 49-56
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


CRitical Infrastructure Security AnaLysIS (CRISALIS)

Zhang Fu Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Magnus Almgren Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Valentin Tudor Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Marina Papatriantafilou Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
European Commission (EC)

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