Ulrika Wising

Showing 10 publications


Energy system consequences when installing an advanced delignification process

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 84 (1), p. 108-115
Journal article

Consequences of lignin precipitation in the pulp and paper industry

Ulrika Wising, Jessica Algehed, Thore Berntsson et al
Tappi Journal. Vol. 5 (1), p. 3-8
Magazine article

Strategic Approach to Cogeneration Design

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, K Riemer et al
Proceedings - Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC) 91st Conference, 7-9 Feb. 2005, p. 699-704
Paper in proceeding

The potential for energy savings when reducing the water consumption in a Kraft Pulp Mill

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Paul Stuart
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 25 (7), p. 1057-1066
Journal article

Energy efficient evaporation in future pulp and paper mills

Jessica Algehed, Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson
7th Conference on New Available Technologies, SPCI 2002, Stockholm 2002
Paper in proceeding

Usable excess heat in future kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal,. Vol. 1 (11), p. 27-29
Journal article

Energy consequences in minimum effluent market kraft pulp mills

Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson, Anders Åsblad
Tappi Journal. Vol. 1 (11), p. 30-32
Paper in proceeding

Opportunities for process integrated evaporation in kraft pulp mills

Jessica Algehed, Ulrika Wising, Thore Berntsson et al
TAPPI Engineering Conference, p. 841-849
Paper in proceeding

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