Juliette Torinsson

Doctoral Student at Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Juliette Utbult is an industrial PhD student between registered at Chalmers and employed by Volvo Cars and Chalmers. With electrification asbeing an irreversible way ahead, her research involves developing a novel vehicle motion control architecture for future electric cars with a variety of propulsion configurations, focusing on enhancing driving dynamics without a negative impact on energy consumption. Electrification Electrification of cars introduces new possibilities to control vehicle motion in a more optimal way with electric motors as fast actuators with high precision. Juliette will be teaching within the area of Vehicle Dynamics.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Joint Optimization of Transmission and a Control Allocator to Minimize Power Losses in Electric Vehicles

Juliette Torinsson, Mats Jonasson, Bengt J H Jacobson et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 1144-1153
Paper in proceeding

An energy efficient method to control electric propulsive system in a vehicle

Juliette Utbult, Mats Jonasson, Bengt J H Jacobson et al
Patent application

Energy reduction by power loss minimisation through wheel torque allocation in electric vehicles: a simulation-based approach

Juliette Torinsson, Mats Jonasson, Derong Yang et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 60 (5), p. 1488-1511
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Next Generation of Algorithms to Enhance and Balance Energy Efficiency and Driving Dynamics for Electric Cars

Mats Jonasson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Juliette Utbult Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

6 publications exist
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