Uttama Dutta

Doctoral Student at Onsala Space Observatory

Uttama works in the area of GNSS precise positioning using NRTK. She has a background in positioning, localization, signal processing and mitigation of interference and multipath in GNSS (GPS-IRNSS) applications. Uttama is an industrial PhD student and is a permanent employee of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 2 publications


Multi-Constellation/Multi-Frequency GNSS Signal Degradation Due to Foliage and Reflective Environments †

Uttama Dutta, Jan Johansson
Engineering Proceedings. Vol. 54 (1)
Journal article

Ionospheric Effects on GNSS RTK

Uttama Dutta, Per O. J. Jarlemark, Carsten Rieck et al
35th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS+ 2022. Vol. 3, p. 1557-1566
Paper in proceeding

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