Josip Vasilj

Showing 13 publications


Model for optimal transition towards a fully electric public transportation system

Josip Vasilj, Damir Jakus, P. Sarajcev et al
2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2020
Paper in proceeding

Day-ahead scheduling and real-time Economic MPC of CHP unit in Microgrid with Smart buildings

Josip Vasilj, Sébastien Gros, Damir Jakus et al
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 10 (2), p. 1992-2001
Journal article

Application of genetic algorithm in designing high-voltage open-air substation lightning protection system

P. Sarajcev, D. Jakus, Josip Vasilj et al
Journal of Electrostatics. Vol. 93, p. 43-51
Journal article

Introducing novel risk-based indicator for determining transmission line tower's backflashover performance

P. Sarajcev, D. Jakus, Josip Vasilj
Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 160, p. 337-347
Journal article

Optimising the transformer substation topology in order to minimise annual energy losses

Damir Jakus, Josip Vasilj, Rade Cadenovic et al
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Vol. 12 (6), p. 1323-1330
Journal article

Optimal reconfiguration of distribution network using cycle-break/genetic algorithm

Rade Cadenovic, Damir Jakus, Petar Sarajcev et al
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Powertech 2017; Manchester; United Kingdom; 18 June 2017 through 22 June 2017
Paper in proceeding

Valuation of Contract Between Power Supplier and Electric Vehicle Owner

Josip Vasilj, Sébastien Gros, Anders Grauers et al
International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM
Paper in proceeding

Distribution network reconfiguration using hybrid heuristic - Genetic algorithm

Damir Jakus, Rade Cadenovic, Mia Bogdanovic et al
2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science, SpliTech 2017, Split, Croatia, 12-14 July 2017
Paper in proceeding

Novel indicator of transmission line towers backflashover performance

Petar Sarajcev, Damir Jakus, Josip Vasilj
Proceedings of the International conference on power system transients (IPST2017)
Paper in proceeding

Application of Gaussian Copulas in Describing Station Impinging Lightning Overvoltages

Petar Sarajcev, Josip Vasilj, Damir Jakus
IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)
Paper in proceeding

Method for estimating backflashover rates on HV transmission lines based on EMTP-ATP and curve of limiting parameters

Petar Sarajcev, Josip Vasilj, Damir Jakus
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Journal article

Monte-Carlo analysis of wind farm lightning-surge transients aided by LINET lightning-detection network data

P. Sarajcev, Josip Vasilj, D. Jakus
Renewable Energy. Vol. 99, p. 501-513
Journal article

Estimating future balancing power requirements in wind-PV power system

Josip Vasilj, P. Sarajcev, D. Jakus
Renewable Energy. Vol. 99, p. 369-378
Journal article

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