Veronica Carlsson

Doktorand at Construction Management image

Showing 10 publications


Developing New Sustainable Strategy: The Struggle of Small and Medium Swedish Contractors Companies to Experiment with Business Models

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Journal of Business models. Vol. 8 (2), p. 101-114
Journal article

Interactive shaping of expertise: The play between house-owner and sme contractors negotiating renovation

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson, Christian Koch
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019 - Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference. Vol. 2019, p. 104-113
Paper in proceeding

What you see is not what you get: Single-family house renovation and energy retrofit seen through the lens of sociomateriality

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 35 (5), p. 276-287
Journal article

Stepping out of the canvas: Small construction enterprises experimenting with business models

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Copenhagen DK, August 2015
Paper in proceeding

Renewing renovation: Looking at renovation of owners occupied houses with socio-materiality lenses.

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Proceedings of the 31st annual ARCOM conference, September 2015, Lincoln UK, p. 1083-1092
Paper in proceeding

Convenience renovation and non-transition- contractor SMEs operating in the detached housing market.

Christian Koch, Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
Proceedings 5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions,
Paper in proceeding

Shall we dance? Encounters for energy renovation of single family houses

Veronica Carlsson, Christian Koch
30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 1 September 2014 through 3 September 2014, p. 1163-1171
Paper in proceeding

What’s so special about action research? A targeted critical review of experiential and prescriptive literature

Veronica Carlsson, Christian Koch
EURAM 2014, p. 39-
Paper in proceeding

Is anybody home? The role of company websites for small building contractors in Sweden

Martine Buser, Veronica Carlsson
30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 1 September 2014 through 3 September 2014, p. 977-986
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Facing the energy challenge: Innovative business models for renovation of buildings

Pernilla Gluch Service Management and Logistics
Veronica Carlsson Construction Management
Christian Koch Construction Management
Göran Lindahl Construction Management
Ingrid Svensson Service Management and Logistics
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

2 publications exist
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