Linda de Vries

Showing 13 publications


Visualising safety: The potential for using sociotechnical systems models in prospective safety assessment and design

Linda de Vries, Lars-Ola Bligård
Safety Science. Vol. 111, p. 80-93
Journal article

D2.5. KPIs and Evaluation Criteria. Deliverable to the AEOLIX project.

Stig Franzén, Linda de Vries, Per-Olof Arnäs et al

Living Labs: a forum for enabling co-creation between multi-disciplinary actors in the workplace?

Linda de Vries, Stig Franzén
Proceedings of the Nordic Ergonomics Society NES Annual Conference 2017 "Joy at work", 20-23 August 2017, Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Work as done? Understanding the practice of sociotechnical work in the maritime domain

Linda de Vries
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Vol. 11 (3), p. 1-26
Journal article

Designing for safe operations: promoting a human-centred approach to complex vessel design

Linda de Vries, Per Hogström, Nicole Almeida Costa et al
Ships and Offshore Structures. Vol. 12 (8), p. 1016-1023
Journal article

The role of navigational assistance in managing uncertainty and improving safety at sea.

Linda de Vries
Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference 2016.
Paper in proceeding

Perceived success factors of participatory ergonomics in ship design

Nicole Almeida Costa, Linda de Vries, Joakim Dahlman et al
Occupational Ergonomics. Vol. 12 (4), p. 141-150
Journal article

Success factors for navigational assistance: a complementary ship-shore perspective

Linda de Vries
D. de Waard, J. Sauer, S. Röttger, A. Kluge, D. Manzey, C. Weikert, A. Toffetti, R. Wiczorek, K. Brookhuis, and H. Hoonhout (Eds.) (2015). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2014 Annual Conference. ISSN 2333-4959 (online). Available from, p. 175-186
Paper in proceeding

Introduction to human-centred design for naval architects and designers

Nicole Almeida Costa, Linda de Vries

Overcoming the challenges of integration of Human-centred Design within the Naval Architecture ship design process

Linda de Vries, Nicole Almeida Costa, Per Hogström et al
Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne 9-14 August 2015
Paper in proceeding

Introduction to human-centred design for naval architects and designers.

Nicole Almeida Costa, Linda de Vries, Trevor David Dobbins
Improving ship operational design, p. 3-16
Book chapter

Ship voyage plan coordination in the MONALISA project: user tests of a prototype ship traffic management system

Thomas Porathe, Linda de Vries, Johannes Prison
De Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., Wiczorek, R., Di Nocera, F., Barham, P., Weikert, C., Kluge, A., Gerbino, W., and Toffetti, A., (Eds.) (2014), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2013 Annual Conference, p. 1-11
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange (AEOLIX)

Per Wide Service Management and Logistics
Asif Akram Design and Human Factors
Gunnar Stefansson Service Management and Logistics
Linda de Vries Design and Human Factors
MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Dan Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Per-Olof Arnäs Service Management and Logistics
Stig Franzén Design and Human Factors
European Commission (EC)

11 publications exist
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