David Witt Nyström
My field of research is complex geometry. I have done work on Fekete points, Okounkov bodies, geodesic rays in spaces of Kähler metrics, canonical tubular neighbourhoods in Kähler geometry and Hele-Shaw flows and their connection to the complex homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation. My latest research focuses on embeddings of Kähler balls into projective manifolds.

Showing 16 publications
Deformations of Kähler manifolds to normal bundles and restricted volumes of big classes
Interpolation, Prekopa and Brunn-Minkowski for F-subharmonicity
Okounkov Bodies and the Kähler Geometry of Projective Manifolds
The Minimum Principle for Convex Subequations
Non-pluripolar energy and the complex Monge-Ampere operator
Monotonicity of Non-Pluripolar Monge-Ampere Masses
Coupled Kähler-Einstein Metrics
Duality between the pseudoeffective and the movable cone on a projective manifold
On the maximal rank problem for the complex homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation
Analytic test configurations and geodesic rays
Test configurations and Okounkov bodies
Fekete points and convergence towards equilibrium measures on complex manifolds
Convergence of Bergman measures of high powers of a line bundle
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