Sara Brorström

Showing 5 publications


Strategizing sustainability: The case of River City, Gothenburg

Sara Brorström
Cities. Vol. 42 (PartA), p. 25-30
Journal article

Strategizing sustainability – the case of River City Gothenburg

Sara Brorström
Gothenburg Public Management Research Seminar. 19-20 november 2013, Göteborg.
Other conference contribution

The city as constituted by numbers – accounting practices shaping the future city

Sara Brorström
The 10th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference in Cardiff, Wales. Cardiff University 11-13 July 2012.
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Managning strategic change in public facilties management organizations

Pernilla Gluch Service Management and Logistics
Ingrid Svensson Service Management and Logistics
Martin Löwstedt Construction Management
Sara Brorström Unknown organization
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

4 publications exist
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