Chen Xiaoming
Showing 74 publications
Guest Editorial: Metrology for 5G Technologies
Uplink Multiuser MIMO-OFDM System in the Presence of Phase Noises, Power Imbalance, and Correlation
Optimizing Small Wideband Antenna Performance for Both RIMP and Random-LOS
On S-Parameter based Complex Correlation of Multi- Port Antenna
Investigation of mode stirring with plate on platform in a reverberation chamber
Random coupling model for wireless communication channels
Fundamental Limitations on Small Multi-Beam Antennas for MIMO Systems
OTA Characterization of mu BTS Antenna in RIMP and Random-LOS
Overview of state-of-the-art OTA measurements of wireless devices in reverberation chamber
MIMO Characterization on System Level of 5G Micro Base Stations Subject to Ran-domness in LOS
Revisiting the Complex Correlation in a MIMO System
Throughput Modeling and Measurement in an Isotropic-Scattering Reverberation Chamber
Verifying detection probabilities for MIMO system in reverberation chamber
OTA characterization of μBTS antenna in RIMP and random-LOS
Generalized Statistics of Antenna Efficiency Measurement in a Reverberation Chamber
Measurement Uncertainty of Antenna Efficiency in a Reverberation Chamber
Required number of OTA antennas in the multi-probe test system
Investigation of the Distribution of the Random LOS Component in a Reverberation Chamber
Model selection for investigation of the field distribution in a reverberation chamber
Characterization of Implemented Algorithm for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing in Reverberation Chamber
Using Akaike Information Criterion for Selecting the Field Distribution in a Reverberation Chamber
On OTA test in the presence of Doppler spreads in a reverberation chamber
Throughput Multiplexing Efficiency for MIMO Antenna Characterization
On Statistics of the Measured Antenna Efficiency in a Reverberation Chamber
Spatial Correlation and Ergodic Capacity of MIMO Channel in Reverberation Chamber
Robust calculations of maximum ratio combining diversity gains based on stochastic measurements
Evaluation and measurement of the Doppler spectrum in a reverberation chamber
On independent platform sample number for reverberation chamber measurements
Characterization of MIMO Antennas and Terminals: Measurements in Reverberation Chambers
Verification of K-factor Based Formula for Measurement Uncertainty in Reverberation Chamber
Comparisons of different methods to determine correlation applied to multi-port UWB eleven antenna
Estimation of average Rician K-factor and average mode bandwidth in loaded reverberation chamber
Wearable textile antennas’ efficiency characterization using a reverberation chamber
Estimation of Average Rician K-factor in Reverberation Chamber
Spatial correlations of incremental sources in isotropic environment such as reverberation chamber
Determination of maximum doppler shift in reverberation chamber using level crossing rate
On diversity performance of two-element coupling element based antenna structure for mobile terminal
Comparison of diversity gains of wideband antennas measured in anechoic and reverberation chambers
Comparison of RMS delay spread and decay time measured in reverberation chamber
Reverberation Chamber Characterizations for Passive and Active OTA Measurements
Design and realization of a linearly polarized Eleven feed for 1-10 GHz
Determination of Measurement Uncertainty of Different Reverberation Chambers
Report on Developing Decade Bandwidth Eleven Feeds for Radio Telescopes such as SKA and VLBI 2010
Design, Manufacture and Test of Eleven Feed for 1-13 GHz
Characterization of multi-port Eleven antenna for use in MIMO system
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