Helena Kraff

Showing 12 publications


Collaborative PhDs: New approaches, challenges and opportunities

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Co-production in action: towards realising just cities, p. 74-83
Book chapter

Time as an issue of power in development research

Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Development research conference (DEVRES) 2016: Global visions and local practices, 22-24 August 2016, Stockholm University
Other conference contribution

Tourism Experience Innovation Through Design

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Lena Mossberg
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. Vol. 15 (1), p. 98-119
Journal article

Democracy in participatory place branding: a critical approach

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Critical management studies - 9th International conference: Is there an alternative - management after critique. Leicester 8-10 July
Other conference contribution

Participatory place branding through design: the case of Dunga beach in Kisumu, Kenya

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Vol. 11 (3), p. 226-242
Journal article

Mapping Participation: Through the Concepts of Contestation and Vulnerability

Helena Kraff
Critical alternatives 2015. 5th deceniall Aarhus conference. August 17-21. Unfolding Participation workshop.
Other conference contribution

Unequal distributions of time in transdisciplinary research

Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
The 1st biennial reserch conference on time , November 4-6, 2015 Gothenburg.
Other conference contribution

From disciplines to common ground and actions: reflections on a transdisciplinary project in Kisumu, Kenya

Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Design with the other 90%: Cumulus Johannesburg Conference Proceedings, p. 88-93
Paper in proceeding

Value co-cration in tourism experiences

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
23rd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Values of tourism, October 1-4, Copenhagen
Other conference contribution

Designing For or Designing With?

Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference, p. 1596-1611
Paper in proceeding

Community‐based tourism development - a designerly approach to destination branding

Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Innovation and value creation in experience‐based tourism, September 24-27, Bodö and Lofoten Islands, p. 131-
Other conference contribution

Participatory Design Tools in Place Branding

Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Design Conference, Crafting the Future, April 17-19 in Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

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