Yash Niranjan Poojary

Doctoral Student at Vehicle Safety
Image of Yash Niranjan Poojary

Showing 1 publications


A new open-source finite element lumbar spine model, its tuning and validation, and development of a tissue-based injury risk function for compression fractures

Johan Iraeus, Yash Niranjan Poojary, Leila Jaber et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI, p. 1048-1072
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 3 research projects


Advancing Neck Injury Prediction in Car Crashes using the SAFER HBM

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Yash Niranjan Poojary Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Jobin John Vehicle Safety
Mats Svensson Injury Prevention


Taking SAFER HBM to the global arena; focusing the cervical and thoracic spine

Johan Iraeus Injury Prevention
Yash Niranjan Poojary Vehicle Safety
Jobin John Vehicle Safety
Mats Svensson Injury Prevention

2 publications exist

Proactive SAFEty systems and tools for a constantly UPgrading road environment (SAFE-UP)

András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention
Ron Schindler Crash Analysis and Prevention
Johan Iraeus Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Yash Niranjan Poojary Injury Prevention
European Commission (EC)

8 publications exist
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