Yigit Akbas

Doctoral Student at Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling

Yigit is working on to develop a novel and environmentally friendly recycling process based on supercritical (Sc) CO2 technology for recovering of organic materials (polymer binder, electrolyte, and separator) from spent Li-ion batteries. His project is funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Program.
The role of environmentally friendly recycling process is a vital step for sustainable future. This recycling method is promising since it is safe and does not produce any hazardous waste while recycling. The aim of the recovery is to reuse of the organic materials as the raw material in the energy storage industry. Removal of the organics by using Sc-CO2 method leads to the liberation of the electroactive materials and simplifies the current collector separation.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Yigit Akbas
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Showing 1 research projects


RHINOCEROS Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies

Nils Zachmann Nuclear Chemistry
Burcak Ebin Nuclear Chemistry
Yigit Akbas Nuclear Chemistry
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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