Yihua Zhang

Doctoral Student at Engineering Education Research

Yihua is interested in understanding and improving students’ learning experiences in online and blended learning environments in engineering education through the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework as theoretical base. To achieve this aim, Yihua has undertaken a comprehensive literature review encompassing the implementation of the CoI framework in engineering education research and examined students’ learning experience in hybrid and online labs through the lens of CoI. In the future, Yihua is attempting to address some of the shortcomings of the CoI framework by broadening her research scope to include a wider array of theoretical frameworks to understand collaborative learning in online environments.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Enhancing higher education through hybrid and flipped learning: Experiences from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Yihua Zhang et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 421
Journal article

Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education – A Literature Review

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. Vol. 23 (6), p. 55-68
Journal article

Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Stromberg Jamsvi et al
Book of All Abstracts and Papers, p. 202-204
Paper in proceeding

Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering

Christian Stöhr, Shahram Sheihki, Robert Langer et al
Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference, p. 805-819
Paper in proceeding

Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2022-October, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

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