Yushu Yu

Showing 5 publications


Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles

Yushu Yu, Dan Shan, Ola Benderius et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 23 (12), p. 22971-22987
Journal article

A review of aerial manipulation of small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems

X Ding, P Guo, K. Xu et al
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. Vol. 32 (1), p. 200-214
Review article

6D Pose Task Trajectory Tracking for a Class of 3D Aerial Manipulator From Differential Flatness

Yushu Yu, Vincenzo Lippiello
IEEE Access. Vol. 7, p. 52257-52265
Journal article

Global Fault-Tolerant Control of Underactuated Aerial Vehicles with Redundant Actuators

Yushu Yu, Yiqun Dong
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Vol. 2019
Journal article

Trajectory linearization control on SO(3) with application to aerial manipulation

Yushu Yu, Xilun Ding
Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. 355 (15), p. 7072-7097
Journal article

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