Nils Zachmann

Doctoral Student at Nuclear Chemistry and Industrial Materials Recycling

Nils develops a novel and environmentally improved recycling process based on supercritical (Sc) fluid technology for the separation of organic and organometallic components as well as the extraction of valuable metals from spent Li-ion batteries. The role of environmentally benign recycling processes is a crucial milestone for reliable raw material supply to the energy storage industry. This method is promising because it is efficient, safe, runs at low temperature, toxic-emission free and does not produce hazardous waste while recycling the Li-Ion batteries.

The aim is the recovery and the reusage of all components (polymer binder, electrode active materials, electrolyte, and valuable metals) of spent Li-Ion batteries. Removal of the organics by Sc-CO2 method leads to the liberation of electroactive materials, facilitates the following current collector separation and superior metal extraction from electrodes.

Image of Nils Zachmann

Showing 3 publications


Implementation of a sub-and supercritical carbon dioxide process for the selective recycling of the electrolyte from spent Li-ion battery

Nils Zachmann, Robert V. Fox, Martina Petranikova et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 81 (March)
Journal article

Electrolyte recovery from spent Lithium-Ion batteries using a low temperature thermal treatment process

Nils Zachmann, Martina Petranikova, Burcak Ebin
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Vol. 118, p. 351-361
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


RHINOCEROS Batteries reuse and direct production of high performances cathodic and anodic materials and other raw materials from batteries recycling using low cost and environmentally friendly technologies

Nils Zachmann Nuclear Chemistry
Burcak Ebin Nuclear Chemistry
Yigit Akbas Nuclear Chemistry
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Development of innovative supercritical fluid technology for stepwise recycling of organics, electrolyte and electrodes from Li-ion battery waste

Burcak Ebin Nuclear Chemistry
Christian Ekberg Energy and Material
Martina Petranikova Nuclear Chemistry
Nils Zachmann Nuclear Chemistry
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist
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