Dmitrii Zhelezov
Showing 18 publications
On Additive Bases of Sets with Small Product Set
Discrete spheres and arithmetic progressions in product sets
When can multi-agent rendezvous be executed in time linear in the diameter of a plane configuration?
Optimal allocation-consumption problem for a portfolio with an illiquid asset
Improved bounds for arithmetic progressions in product sets
On sets with small additive doubling in product sets
Can connected commuting graphs of finite groups have arbitrarily large diameter ?
A bound on the multiplicative energy of a sum set and extremal sum-product problems
A bound on the multiplicative energy of a sum set and extremal sum-product problems
On additive shifts of multiplicative almost-subgroups in finite fields
On the Diameters of Commuting Graphs Arising from Random Skew-Symmetric Matrices
Product sets cannot contain long arithmetic progressions
On a Property of Random-Oriented Percolation in a Quadrant
Product sets cannot contain long arithmetic progressions
A variant of the multi-agent rendezvous problem
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