HHS 291 Dev. Fluid Structure Interaction exp. methodologies (M3)
Research Project, 2020 – 2021

This research aims to provide a feasibility study for an underwater Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) experimental methodology. The possibility of measuring a structural deflection under fluid load and the flow behaviour around the structure is particularly interesting with the rise of composite materials, due to their inherent flexibility that permits them to be designed to a range of loading conditions. 
A feasibility study on the experimental methodology is going to be carried out so that the outcome system can, in the future, be installed in an underwater environment such as a towing tank or a marine basin. A robust and repeatable experimental methodology will also provide researchers with a validation case for numerical FSI simulations.
The first stage of the feasibility study project starts with a thorough investigation of the existing measuring systems with an assessment of what could be used in SSPA underwater facilities. Currently there is a lack of FSI experimental methods, especially for underwater environment. The large majority of the current studies does not account for the complexity of the FSI coupled problems, where the structural response affects the flow behaviour and vice-versa. Bringing different techniques together will allow simultaneous measures to be taken in a dynamic underwater environment. 


Arash Eslamdoost (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Marine Technology


Hugo Hammars fond för sjöfartsteknisk forskning

Project ID: 40209653
Funding Chalmers participation during 2020–2021

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