Arash Eslamdoost

Associate Professor at Marine Technology

He works in the area of applied hydrodynamics with an emphasis on computational fluid dynamics to understand the flow physics around marine vehicles. The goal of his research is to improve the performance of marine craft through reducing hull resistance as well as understanding the propulsor-hull interaction effects for identifying the potentials for minimizing energy losses in the flow. Arash's research can be summarized into the following categories:

• Propulsor-Hull Interaction

• Waterjet Propulsion

• Ship Hydrodynamics

• Computational Fluid Dynamics

Please read the ‘Collaboration and projects’ tab for more information about his research projects.

Image of Arash Eslamdoost

Showing 46 publications


Resistance prediction using CFD at model- and full-scale and comparison with measurements

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 321
Journal article

Open water performance of two different ducted propellers in oblique flow

Negin Donyavizadeh, Rickard Bensow, Arash Eslamdoost
Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors 2024, p. 667-675
Paper in proceeding

Numerical assessment of surface roughness on a full scale propeller

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors
Paper in proceeding

Experimental and numerical investigations of propeller open water characteristics in calm water and regular head waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Martin Kjellberg, Rickard Bensow et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 302
Journal article

Propeller characteristics in oblique flow at model scale and full scale

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Impacts of regular head waves on thrust deduction at model self-propulsion point

Mohsen Irannezhad, Martin Kjellberg, Rickard Bensow et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 309
Journal article

A numerical study on the influence of crossflow transition on a marine propeller in open water

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 310
Journal article

Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Modeling Linear Waves

Mohammad Sheikholeslami, Saeed Salehi, Wengang Mao et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Vol. 9
Paper in proceeding

Energy Balance Approach for Studying Waterjet-Hull Interaction Effects

Arash Eslamdoost, Marko Vikström
Progress in Marine Science and Technology. Vol. 7, p. 275-289
Paper in proceeding

The Dynamics of a Ship Nominal Wake in Head Waves

Arash Eslamdoost, Mohsen Irannezhad, Rickard Bensow
Other conference contribution

Resistance Decomposition of a Self-propelled Ship in Full Scale

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Crossflow transition modelling for a marine propeller at model scale

Rui Miguel Alves Lopes, Arash Eslamdoost, Rikard Johansson et al
NuTTS 2023 - 25th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Comprehensive computational analysis of the impact of regular head waves on ship bare hull performance

Mohsen Irannezhad, Rickard Bensow, Martin kjellberg et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 288
Journal article

Propeller Open Water Characteristics in Waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Martin kjellberg, Rickard Bensow et al
Proceedings of the 24th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, NuTTS 2022, p. 36-41
Paper in proceeding

Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Foiling Craft

Laura Marimon Giovannetti, Ali Farousi, Fabian Ebbesson et al
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

Investigation of ship responses in regular head waves through a Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow approach

Mohsen Irannezhad, Arash Eslamdoost, Martin Kjellberg et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 246
Journal article

On the Selection of Optimal Propeller Diameter for a 120-m Cargo Vessel

Jennie Andersson, Robert Gustafsson, Arash Eslamdoost et al
Journal of Ship Research. Vol. 65 (2), p. 153-166
Journal article

A device for reducing the resistance of transom stern hulls

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Matz Brown
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 235
Journal article

Towards Uncertainty Analysis of CFD Simulation of Ship Responses in Regular Head Waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Rickard Bensow, Martin Kjellberg et al
Proceedings of the 23rd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, NuTTS 2021
Other conference contribution

Modellering av omblandning i fartygs kölvatten, för ökad förståelse av belastning på havsmiljön till följd av utsläpp från fartyg

Amanda Nylund, Rickard Bensow, Mattias Liefvendahl et al
Report - The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

Scale resolving simulations of the non-cavitating and cavitating flows in an axial water jet pump

Mohammad Hossein Arabnejad Khanouki, Arash Eslamdoost, Urban Svennberg et al
33rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
Paper in proceeding

A device for reducing the resistance of water surface vessels

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Matz Brown

Numerical Investigation of a General Cargo Vessel Wake in Waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Arash Eslamdoost, Rickard Bensow
Proceedings of the 22nd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, NuTTS 2019
Other conference contribution

A body-force model for waterjet pump simulation

Arash Eslamdoost, Marko Vikström
Applied Ocean Research. Vol. 90
Journal article

Application of Control Volume Energy Balance for Analysing Propeller-Hull Interaction in Presence of Free-surface

Arash Eslamdoost, Jennie Andersson, Rickard Bensow et al
Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Investigation of a Large Diameter Propeller Emergence Risk for a Vessel in Waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Arash Eslamdoost, Rickard Bensow
8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2019, p. 634-645
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of the thrust deduction in waterjet propulsion – The Froude number dependence

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 152, p. 100-112
Journal article

Energy balance analysis of a propeller in open water

Jennie Andersson, Arash Eslamdoost, Alexandre Capitao Patrao et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 158, p. 162-170
Journal article

Energy balance analysis of model-scale vessel with open and ducted propeller configuration

Jennie Andersson, Arash Eslamdoost, Marko Vikström et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 167, p. 369-379
Journal article

On the Selection of Optimal Propeller Diameter for a 120m Cargo Vessel

Jennie Andersson, Robert Gustafsson, Arash Eslamdoost et al
SNAME 15th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, PSS 2018
Paper in proceeding

Waterjet Self-Propulsion Simulation: A Body-Force Approach for Modelling the Pump

Arash Eslamdoost, Marko Hyensjö
11th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2017)
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Propeller-Hull Interaction Phenomena on a Self-Propelled Axisymmetric Body

Arash Eslamdoost, Jennie Andersson, Rickard Bensow et al
5th Int. Symposium on Marine Propulsor
Paper in proceeding

Net and Gross Thrust in Waterjet Propulsion

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Journal of Ship Research. Vol. 60 (2), p. 78-91
Journal article

CFD Simulations of the Japan Bulk Carrier Test Case

Jennie Andersson, Marko Hyensjö, Arash Eslamdoost et al
Paper in proceeding

On transom clearance

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 99, p. 55-62
Journal article

Waterjet Propulsion and Negative Thrust Deduction

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Fourth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, SMP’15
Paper in proceeding

The Hydrodynamics of Waterjet/Hull Interaction

Arash Eslamdoost
Doctoral thesis

Waterjet Propulsion and Thrust Deduction

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Journal of Ship Research. Vol. 58 (4), p. 201-215
Journal article

A pressure jump method for modeling waterjet/hull interaction

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 88, p. 120-130
Journal article

Contribution of different parameters to the thrust deduction of a waterjet propelled hull

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
12th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2013; Amsterdam; Netherlands; 2 December 2013 through 5 December 2013
Paper in proceeding

Waterjet Propelled Hull Transom Clearance

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
NuTTS 2013, Numerical Towing Tank Symposium
Other conference contribution

Investigations of Waterjet/Hull Interaction Effects

Arash Eslamdoost
Licentiate thesis

Pressure Jump Approach for Modeling Waterjet/Hull Interaction

Arash Eslamdoost, Lars Larsson, Rickard Bensow
14th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS'11)
Other conference contribution


Arash Eslamdoost, Rickard Bensow, Lars Larsson
13th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium
Other conference contribution

An iterative scheme for two-dimensional supercavitating flow

N. M. Nouri, Arash Eslamdoost
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 36 (9), p. 708-715
Journal article

An iterative scheme for axisymmetric supercavitating flow

N. M. Nouri, Arash Eslamdoost
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. Vol. 223 (8), p. 1869-1876
Journal article

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Showing 19 research projects


Utvärdering och analys av vertikala cykloida propulsorer

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Negin Donyavizadeh Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration


Efficient Rudder Design and Operation for Wind-Assisted Ships

Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Rui Miguel Alves Lopes Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration


Improved Hydrofoil Performance Measurement Method in SSPA towing tank

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Hugo Hammars fond för sjöfartsteknisk forskning


Safe and Sustainable Sea Transport Through Development of Test Method for Foiling Craft

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration


eProFoil - Electric Propulsion System for Foiling Craft

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Yujing Liu Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
AoA Energy


AI-based control system for foiling craft

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Ola Benderius Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Alexey Vdovin Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
AoA Transport


PINNs -- Multi-Fidelity Physics-Informed Neural Network to Solve Partial Differential Equations

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Håkan Nilsson Fluid Dynamics
Mohammad Sheikholeslami Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Saeed Salehi Fluid Dynamics


Redefine energy Efficiency solutions for hydrogen powered SHIPs in Maritime and Inland Transport (RESHIP)

Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Negin Donyavizadeh Marine Technology
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist

Marine propulsion systems and analysis for wind assisted vessels

Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Rui Miguel Alves Lopes Marine Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

6 publications exist

Machine learning method to prediction ship wake distribution

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Saeed Salehi Fluid Dynamics


Propeller-hull interaction effects in waves - part 2

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Mohsen Irannezhad Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration

7 publications exist

HHS 291 Dev. Fluid Structure Interaction exp. methodologies (M3)

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Hugo Hammars fond för sjöfartsteknisk forskning

1 publication exists

Propeller-hull interaction effects in waves

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Mohsen Irannezhad Marine Technology
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration

5 publications exist

Analysis and optimisation of marine propulsion systems - part 2

Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Jennie Andersson Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Swedish Energy Agency
Kongsberg Hydrodynamic Research Centre

6 publications exist

Propeller-integrated motor drive for electric medium size boats

Yujing Liu Electric Power Engineering
Felix Mannerhagen Electric Power Engineering
Jonas Ringsberg Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Stefan Lundberg Electric Power Engineering


Waterjet Propulsion Flow Measurement

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Lars Larsson Marine Technology
Rolls-Royce (Swe)
Stiftelsen Doktor Hugo Hammars fond för sjöfartsteknisk forskning (HHS)
SSPA Sweden AB


Ship Motions and Added Resistance in Oblique Waves

Carl-Erik Janson Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Francesco Coslovich Marine Technology

4 publications exist

A Novel Technique for Reducing Transom Stern Hull Resistance

Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration

1 publication exists

Low Energy and Near to Zero Emissions Ships (LeanShips)

Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Arash Eslamdoost Marine Technology
Carlo Negrato Marine Technology
European Commission (EC)

6 publications exist
There might be more projects where Arash Eslamdoost participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.