Sustainable use of marine and industrial waters to unlock the potential of seaweeds as a future food source (SUSWEED)
Research Project, 2023
– 2028
Seaweed farming offers a unique possibility to feed the growing global population without putting further pressure on access to land and fresh water.Also, there is no need for fertilizers but rather a net uptake of nutrients, thereby mitigating eutrophication.
Seaweed farming offers a unique possibility to feed the growing global population without putting further pressure on access to land and fresh water. Also, there is no need for fertilizers but rather a net uptake of nutrients, thereby mitigating eutrophication. SUSWEED aims at releasing the potential of Swedish seaweed as a future sustainable food source according to models which have positive effects on both marine and industrial waters. This will be achieved via development of novel cultivation techniques for Ulva fenestrata and Palmaria palmata based both in the ocean and as part of a system to purify nutrient-rich food industry process waters. Harvested seaweed will be stabilized and pre-processed into tasty, nutritious, and safe intermediate raw materials to incorporate in new fish-based and vegan food products. These are developed to reach broad acceptance for seaweed as a new sustainable food commodity. SUSWEED puts great emphasis on solving non-technical challenges of the new industrial symbiosis between seaweed farmers and generators of process waters and other resources which can make the seaweed industry more sustainable. Safety is carefully addressed by monitoring levels of heavy metals and their accessibility for uptake. The project is built on a strong multidisciplinary partnership with industries and academia which has pioneered the development of state-of-the-art research and applications concerning seaweed in Sweden during the last 10 years.
Ingrid Undeland (contact)
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Food and Nutrition Science
Klara Helgesson
Chalmers, Life Sciences, Food and Nutrition Science
ALS Scandinavia AB
Luleå, Sweden
Linköping University
Linköping, Sweden
Marenor AB
Kungshamn, Sweden
Nordic SeaFarm AB
Göteborg, Sweden
Sweden Pelagic AB
Ellös, Sweden
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden
Project ID: 2023-01997
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2028
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
Driving Forces