Car-goNE-City: Cargo Bikes and Neighbourhood Engagement in the 15-Minute City
Research Project, 2023 – 2026

Purpose and goal
Car-goNE-City investigates the extent to which shared cargo bike mobility can increase accessibility to essential urban functions, lower transportation costs, and reduce private car use. Project goals include (1) studying time-based accessibility; (2) understanding the potential for shared cargo bike mobility to reduce car use; (3) engaging residents in participatory design of shared mobility using digital participation methods, gamification, and pilot projects; (4) identifying effective approaches for accelerating shared mobility implementation.

Expected results and effects
Car-goNE City investigates how shared cargo bike mobility can be a transition pathway to more sustainable mobility. The project focuses on residential neighborhoods outside of city centers with a focus on implementation of new mobility solutions. The project develops new accessibility metrics that incorporate shared mobility. We also develop new decision-making tools to aid in mobility transitions through digital participation and gamification approaches. Finally, we will develop scenarios and implementation pathways in collaboration with project partners.



Devon McAslan (contact)

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Physical Resource Theory


Kraftstaden Fastigheter Trollhättan AB

Trollhättan, Sweden

Metvibee AB

Stockholm, Sweden


Mölndal, Sweden

Trollhättans Stad

Trollhättans, Sweden



Project ID: 2023-02584
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2026

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces

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