Simulating non-Hermitian many-body topological phases with giant atoms (SING-ATOM)
Research Project, 2024 – 2026

Non-Hermitian many-body topological phases are drawing substantial attention due to their potential for novel quantum technology. In particular, these phases hold promise for large-scale quantum computations, a technology with substantial scientific and economic impact. However, due to computational difficulties, it remains a remarkable challenge to investigate these phases. Quantum simulation offers a path to overcome this challenge. Yet, efficient simulation of non-Hermitian many-body topological phases is absent. In this project, I will address this gap by theoretically designing novel protocols to simulate non-Hermitian many-body topological phases with giant atoms, a newly prominent quantum optics platform. Notably, giant atoms offer greater control over interactions compared to their smaller counterparts, thus making them versatile for quantum simulation. To achieve the project's goal, I will first design a novel protocol for quantum simulation within the simplest regime of 2 giant atoms, and subsequently generalize it to an advanced protocol for simulating a non-Hermitian topological spin chain. I will perform the theoretical analyses combining many-body methods and quantum simulation methods. This multidisciplinary approach will maximize the outcomes: i) a novel protocol for quantum simulation with giant atoms and ii) an efficient simulation of non-Hermitian many-body topological phases. Consequently, this research project will open up an interdisciplinary research field between non-Hermitian many-body physics and giant atoms, and pave the way toward the long-term goal of realizing large-scale quantum computations. My expertise in non-Hermitian many-body topology and my host's expertise in giant atoms are complementary for carrying out this project. I will establish a detailed dissemination plan to maximize the impact of this project, and a detailed training and transfer plan to benefit the host group and to promote my career to the next level.


Anton Frisk Kockum (contact)

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Applied Quantum Physics


European Commission (EC)

Project ID: EC/HE/101146565
Funding Chalmers participation during 2024–2026

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