Anton Frisk Kockum
Anton Frisk Kockum is a researcher working on various aspects of quantum optics and quantum information, including circuit quantum electrodynamics, ultrastrong light-matter coupling, quantum acoustics, and quantum machine learning. Anton received his Ph.D. degree in physics from Chalmers University of Technology in 2014. He then moved to Japan to be a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Franco Nori at RIKEN, where he was supported for two years through a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship. In 2018, he moved back to Sweden, taking up a permanent position as a researcher at the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology. Here, he mainly works on theoretical projects that contribute to the building of a quantum computer and to understanding what programs should be run on such a computer.
Showing 61 publications
Heralding entangled optical photons from a microwave quantum processor
Avoiding decoherence with giant atoms in a two-dimensional structured environment
Extended quantum process tomography of logical operations on an encoded bosonic qubit
Applying quantum approximate optimization to the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
Signal Crosstalk in a Flip-Chip Quantum Processor
Tuning atom-field interaction via phase shaping
Quantum amplification and simulation of strong and ultrastrong coupling of light and matter
Unconventional saturation effects at intermediate drive in a lossy cavity coupled to few emitters
Mitigation of frequency collisions in superconducting quantum processors
Quantum process tomography of continuous-variable gates using coherent states
Giant emitters in a structured bath with non-Hermitian skin effect
Gaussian conversion protocol for heralded generation of generalized Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states
Gradient-Descent Quantum Process Tomography by Learning Kraus Operators
Measuring the quantum state of photoelectrons
Interaction between giant atoms in a one-dimensional structured environment
Chiral quantum optics with giant atoms
The XYZ(2) hexagonal stabilizer code
Giant Atoms in a Synthetic Frequency Dimension
Universal Fidelity Reduction of Quantum Operations from Weak Dissipation
Error-rate-agnostic decoding of topological stabilizer codes
Robust Preparation of Wigner-Negative States with Optimized SNAP-Displacement Sequences
Electrical control of quantum acoustics
Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform
Deterministic one-way logic gates on a cloud quantum computer
Building blocks of a flip-chip integrated superconducting quantum processor
Organic charged polaritons in the ultrastrong coupling regime
Quantum State Tomography with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks ()
Tunable Chiral Bound States with Giant Atoms
Ultimate quantum limit for amplification: A single atom in front of a mirror
Characterizing decoherence rates of a superconducting qubit by direct microwave scattering
Engineering the level structure of a giant artificial atom in waveguide quantum electrodynamics
Fast Multiqubit Gates through Simultaneous Two-Qubit Gates
Classification and reconstruction of optical quantum states with deep neural networks ()
Oscillating bound states for a giant atom
Waveguide quantum electrodynamics with superconducting artificial giant atoms
Simulating ultrastrong-coupling processes breaking parity conservation in Jaynes-Cummings systems
Deep Q-learning decoder for depolarizing noise on the toric code
Large Collective Lamb Shift of Two Distant Superconducting Artificial Atoms
Interaction of Mechanical Oscillators Mediated by the Exchange of Virtual Photon Pairs
Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter
Photodetection probability in quantum systems with arbitrarily strong light-matter interaction
Dissipation and thermal noise in hybrid quantum systems in the ultrastrong-coupling regime
Decoherence-Free Interaction between Giant Atoms in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
Giant acoustic atom: A single quantum system with a deterministic time delay
Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves
Probing the quantum vacuum with an artificial atom in front of a mirror
Designing frequency-dependent relaxation rates and Lamb shifts for a giant artificial atom
Propagating phonons coupled to an artificial atom
Quantum Nondemolition Detection of a Propagating Microwave Photon
Giant Cross–Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom
Breakdown of the Cross-Kerr Scheme for Photon Counting
Measurement Back-Action and Photon Detection in Microwave Quantum Optics
Undoing measurement-induced dephasing in circuit QED
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Showing 4 research projects
Simulating non-Hermitian many-body topological phases with giant atoms (SING-ATOM)
Quantum simulation and communication with giant atoms
Giant atoms - a new regime in quantum optics
Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT)