Novel microLED concept for realization of the next generation of AR based micro-display applications
Research Project, 2024 – 2026

In the project, pyramidal microLEDs will be developed into prototypes for microdisplay and microprojector applications. Backplane with Si-based drive electronics will be integrated with microLED frontplane with a unique hybridization technology developed by Polar Light Technologies where the integration will be performed with a flip-chip-based bonding technology. Through production of prototypes the TRL level can be raised from 3 (proof of concept ) to 5 (technology validated in relevant environment). This will bring interest from the market and help the commercialization.

Production of smaller, brighter and more energy-efficient microLEDs compared to the microLEDs on the market today. PLTs´s new bottom-up technology will allow pyramidal micro-LEDs to realize next-generation AR-based micro-display applications without the damage that results from etching in a top-down approach. This advantage regarding optical performance becomes even more pronounced, as the LED dimensions decrease to the micron or submicrometer-range as the area/volume ratio increases.


Niklas Rorsman (contact)

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Microwave Electronics


Polar Light Technologies

Linköping, Sweden



Project ID: 2024-00589
Funding Chalmers participation during 2024–2026

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