UTMOST – Ultra-thin monitoring sensors for implants
Research Project, 2025 – 2029

Sensors are used to monitor health conditions but can also be envisioned to monitor the integration and performance of bone- and soft tissue-implanted devices. The current bulky design needs to be revolutionized and miniaturized for such extremely limited space applications, and compact architectures and wireless communication are required.This project is set up for 5 years and connects experts from materials science (Chalmers), medical sciences (GU), and signal processing (KTH). The interdisciplinary team aims to integrate a sensor function in implantable devices, which enables monitoring different conditions at the tissue-implant interface, e.g., normal healing, excessive inflammation, infection, and loss of integration. The activities include building sensors and antennas using 2D materials, implanting and monitoring under septic and aseptic healing conditions, and realizing different solutions for wireless connectivity of the implantable sensors.The project can result in a timely, groundbreaking, non-invasive diagnostic tool for monitoring and early detection of changes at the tissue-implant interface that is normally inaccessible. Possible applications are wide-ranging, as this would enable monitoring the healing process and the possibility for early detection of failure or progressive inflammation/infection at the implanted devices. Therefore, interceptive or corrective measures can be taken earlier, which would greatly impact the patient situation and health system.


Uta Klement (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Materials and manufacture


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2024-00252
Funding Chalmers participation during 2025–2029

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