Uta Klement
Uta Klement is Professor in Materials Science with emphasis on Electron Microscopy and is Head of Division of Materials and Manufacture. She is also heading the Surface and Microstructure Engineering research group.
Within her research activities particular focus is put on the development and characterization of different types of nanocrystalline and sub-microcrystalline materials for functional applications. Different kinds of coatings and energy absorbing materials typically produced by electroplating, thermal spray techniques, and mechanical alloying are studied and optimized with respect to phase formation and distribution, texture, thermal stability, adhesion, etc. However, also superalloys, titanium and advanced steels are investigated with the aim to understand the materials characteristic and to achieve robust and predictable manufacturing processes, lower energy and materials consumption, and reduced environmental impact.

Showing 167 publications
Synchrotron X-ray spectromicroscopy analysis of wear tested graphene-containing alumina coatings
Influence of microstructure and surface topography on material removal by the Hirtisation® process
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Welds Produced with Different Processes
Controllable Coating Graphene Oxide and Silanes on Cu Particles as Dual Protection for Anticorrosion
Electrodeposition of Soft Magnetic Fe-W-P Alloy Coatings from an Acidic Electrolyte
Influence of batch-to-batch material variations on grindability of a medium‑carbon steel
Graphene Oxide Reinforced Magnetic FeCoNiCuZn High Entropy Alloy through Electrodeposition
Microstructure evolution-based design of thermal post-treatments for EBM-built Alloy 718
The role of specific energy in micro-grinding of titanium alloy
Carbide-laden coatings deposited using a hand-held high-velocity air-fuel (HVAF) spray gun
In-situ TEM annealing of amorphous Fe-24at.%W coatings and the effect of crystallization on hardness
Thermal stability of white layers intended as process-induced functional coatings
On surface carbides in low-temperature carburized austenitic stainless steels
Microstructural characterization of eutectic and near-eutectic AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys
Electrodeposition: three steps towards sustainability
Characterization of abrasion- and dissolution-induced tool wear in machining
Quantification of microstructure in a eutectic high entropy alloy AlCoCrFeNi2.1
Role of HIPing and Heat Treatment on Properties of Alloy 718 Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting
A Facile Approach to Deposit Graphenaceous Composite Coatings by Suspension Plasma Spraying
Accelerated oxidation in ductile refractory high-entropy alloys
Truing of diamond wheels - Geometry, kinematics and removal mechanisms
Analysis of single splats produced by axial suspension plasma spraying
The Effect of Location and Post-treatment on the Microstructure of EBM-Built Alloy 718
Influence of Surface Features for Increased Heat Dissipation on Tool Wear
Microstructure and Porosity of Laser Welds in Cast Ti-6Al-4V with Addition of Boron
Flank wear characteristics of WC-Co tools when turning Alloy 718 with high-pressure coolant supply
3D Analysis of Porosity in a Ceramic Coating Using X-ray Microscopy
Porosity investigation of yttria-stabilized zirconia topcoats using NMR cryoporometry
Porosity measurements on heat treated suspension plasma sprayed YSZ coatings using NMR cryoporometry
Porosity measurements in suspension plasma sprayed YSZ coatings
TIG welding and laser welding of boron alloyed Ti-6Al-4V
Microstructure of plasma sprayed Al2O3-3wt%TiO2 coating using freeze granulated powder
Alloy design for intrinsically ductile refractory high-entropy alloys
Fatigue strength dependence on microstructure and defects in Ti-6Al-4V welds
Development of advanced hybrid materials with the help of pulse electrodeposition
Formation mechanisms of white layers induced by hard turning of AISI 52100 steel
Predicting the solid solubility limit in high-entropy alloys using the molecular orbital approach
Characterization of multiple twinned structural units in pulse-electrodeposited nickel
Formation of Multiple Twinned Structural Units in Electrodeposited Nickel after Annealing
Mechanical properties of bulk- and hybrid nanocrystalline materials
Characterization of Surface Defects on Pulse-Electrodeposited Nickel Tubes
Characterization of cold lap defects in tandem arc MAG welding
Effect of Heat Treatment on Chip Formation in a Case Hardening Steel
Failure Investigation of an Airline Engine Failure During Take Off
Texture of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni-Fe with banded structure
Influence of additives on texture development of submicro- and nanocrystalline Nickel
Characterization of cold lap defects in tandem arc welding
Machinability evaluation of pre-hardened plastic mould steels
Electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-Fe with banded structure
A simple way of improving graphite nanoplatelets (GNP) for their incorporation into a polymer matrix
Comparison of the microstructures in continuous-cooled and quench-tempered pre-hardened mould steels
TEM study of carbide precipitation in low alloyed austempered ductile iron
An Experimental Study to Understand the Effect of Cooling Media in Metal Cutting
Comparison of microstructure in Ni-Al single splats and millimeter sized drops
Dielectric Properties of SiC nanowires With Different Chemical Compositions
Effect of Annealing on Microstructural Development and Grain Orientation in Electrodeposited Ni
Microstructure in work-hardened micro-truss materials given post-forming annealing treatments
Study of microstructural influences on machinability of case hardening steel
Characterization of Cold Lap Defects in Tandem Arc MAG Welding
Characterization of Adhesion Strength of HVOF Sprayed IN718 Coatings
A comparative study of mechanical properties between HVOF-sprayed Maxphase materials
Study of machinability of case hardening steel in production environment
Thermal stability in nanocrystalline electrodeposits - a comparison of Ni- and Co-based materials
Effect of heat treatment on low conductive thermal barrier coatings
Characterization of single splats produced by plasma spraying
Machinability evaluation of prehardened plastic moulding steels
On the orientations of abnormally grown grains in nanocrystalline Ni and Ni–Fe
Characterization and dielectric properties of beta-SiC nanofibres
Stärka den kvinnliga forskarens roll inom nanoforskningen
Ranking of materials by their machinability applying a short term test
Effects on machining due to microstructure variations in a case hardening steel
An Experimental Study to Understand the Effect of Cooling Media at Metal Cutting
Electrodeposited nanocrystalline Co-P alloys: Microstructural characterization and thermal stability
Microwave absorbing properties of ferrite-based nanocomposites
Analytical TEM study of annealed nanocrystalline cobalt–phosphorous electrodeposits
Preparation and characterization of the ITO surface and the Al/Alq3/ITO heterostructure for OLEDs
The role of alpha- to epsilon-Co phase transformation on strain hardening of a Co-Cr-Mo laser clad
Enhanced thermal stability of a cobalt-boron carbide nanocomposite by ion-implantation
Thermal stability of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni- and Co-based materials
Microstructural characterisation of a Co-Cr-Mo laser clad applied on railway wheels
Texture development of nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-Fe electrodeposits showing abnormal grain growth
Effect of Sigma2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
Microstructural characterization of a Co-Cr-Mo laser clad applied on railway wheels
Effect of sigma-2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
EBSD and EDX analysis at the cladding-substrate interface of a laser clad railway wheel
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of indium tin oxide nanocrystalline powder
Thermal stability of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Co-1.1at%P
A comparison of thermal stability in nanocrystalline Ni- and Co-based materials
A comparison of thermal stability in nanocrystalline Ni- and Co-based materials
Preparation of Mn, Fe and Co based perovskite catalysts using microemulsions
EBSD characterization of carbide-carbide boundaries in WC-Co
Microstructual investigation of Co-Cr clad applied on railway wheels
Orientation determination on non planar surfaces
Characterization of precipitates in Inconel 718
Thermal stability of nanostructured electrodeposits
TEM and FIM/TAP investigations of nanocrystalline CoP
Grain growth and segregation behaviour of electroplated CoP–alloys
Effect of grain boundary geometry on plastic deformation in WC-Co
Microstructural development of nanocrystalline NiFe upon annealing
Diffusion of oxygen in CdSe-photosensor arrays
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Showing 17 research projects
UTMOST – Ultra-thin monitoring sensors for implants
Ultrahigh-strength surfaces on novel corrosion resistant hybrid steel
Flexible and sustainable production of high performance rolling bearings
HiPerCOAT: Högpresterande beläggningar för att bekämpa erosionsdrivna skador i kraftverk.
Large area deposition of graphene-containing coatings for diverse functional applications
Disposal of graphene-containing coatings on large surfaces for various functional applications
SURFTERM - Termisk stabilitet av vita skikt avsedda som processinducerade funktionella ytor
Grindability of recycled steel: automotive crankshafts
Titanstrukturer II - Defect formation during weldingand their effect on mechanical properties of...
Förstudie: Utveckling av lokala elektrokemiska deponeringsmetoder för återtillverkning