Disposal of graphene-containing coatings on large surfaces for various functional applications
Research Project, 2018 – 2020

The long-term ambition is to establish a financial deposit of a new class of graphene-containing large area coatings, with varying matrix material: ceramic, metallic and intermetallic. As a starting point and in view of the specific immediate interest of bransch of industry partners, a ceramic matrix and a metallic matrix will be examined during the project period for this R&D project. Thermal spraying technology will be used to produce graphene-containing coatings, by applying material blends as well as a new hybrid method, while utilizing a powder along with a graphene suspension. At the end of the project, the following four questions will be answered, which currently prevent industrial users from utilizing thermal spraying as a way to deposit graphene-containing coatings:

1. Can we maintain the grapene's properties if it is thermally sprayed?
2. Can the graphene be evenly distributed in a matrix?
3. Are there limits to how much the graphene can be loaded into a particular matrix?
4. What level of improvement in functional properties and endurance can be achieved by graphene addition?

This R&D project is also expected to provide a good platform for expanding the new knowledge generated for other material systems that could meet expected requirements for applications in batteries / supercapacitors, solar cells, sensors etc. Surface coatings already constitute one of six strength areas within SIO Grafen and makes this R&D project highly relevant.


Uta Klement (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Materials and manufacture


2D fab AB

Sundsvall, Sweden

University West

Trollhättan, Sweden



Project ID: 2018-03315
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018–2020

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