SUstainable Novel FLexible Organic Watts Efficiently Reliable (SUNFLOWER)
Research Project, 2011 – 2016

Organic photovoltaics (OPV) represent the newest generation of technologies in solar power generation, offering the benefits of flexibility, low weight and low cost enabling the development of new consumer nomadic applications and the long term perspective of easy deployment in Building Integrated Photo Voltaics (BIPV) and energy production farms. This is a key opportunity for the EU to further establish its innovation base in alternative energies. The current challenges reside in the combination to increase efficiencies to 8-10% (module level), increase expected lifetime up to 20 years and decrease production costs to 0.7 Eur/Wp, while taking into account the environmental impact and footprint. The key project objectives are to achieve: \tPrinted OPV with high efficiency architectures such as tandem cells and dedicated light management structures \tHigh performance photo active and passive (barrier) materials including process controlled morphology \tSolutions for cost effective flexible substrates, diffusion barriers and conductors \tDeep understanding of the device physics, elucidation of degradation mechanisms and estimate environmental impact of the main materials and processes The project consortium combines industrial, institutional and academic support to make a significant impact at European and International level, especially on materials and processes while demonstrating their market-relevant implementations. The industrial project partners are well assembled along the supply chain of future OPV-based products, which is an important prerequisite for the creation of significant socio-economic impact of this proposal.


Mats Andersson (contact)

Polymer Technology



Mortsel, Belgium

Aix Marseille University

Marseille, France

Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen

Kreuzlingen, Switzerland

Amcor Flexibles Singen

Singen, Germany

Belectric OPV

Kolitzheim, Germany

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

Paris, France

Centre suisse d'électronique et de microtechnique (CSEM)

Muttenz, Switzerland

Consiglo Nazionale Delle Richerche

Rom, Italy

Dupont Teijin Films

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom


Feusisberg, Switzerland

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Zur

Munchen, Germany


Meyreuil, France

Linköping University

Linköping, Sweden

Merck Chemicals

Hull, United Kingdom

Saes Getters

Lainate (Mi), Italy

Universitat Jaume I De Castellon

Castellon De La Plana, Spain

University of Antwerp

Antwerpen, Belgium

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Brugg, Switzerland


European Commission (EC)

Project ID: EC/FP7/287594
Funding Chalmers participation during 2011–2016

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


More information

Project Web Page

Latest update

9/2/2020 1