Methods for Improved Accuracy in Unsteady Aerodynamics (MIAU)
Research Project, 2013 – 2016

In the aeronautical/vehicle industry, simulation of flows is essential in order to predict the vehicle performance and behavior. In these simulations turbulence modeling is included. An accurate prediction of the turbulence gives e.g. a better basis for drag prediction and aero-acoustic analysis, which affects the vehicle design. An essential part of the proposed project is to accurately predict the turbulence using turbulence-resolving methods (methods based on LES, Large-Eddy Simulations). When such methods are applied today, very fine meshes must be used in a large part of the computational domain. A more efficient alternative is to apply numerical methods of high accuracy (HOM, High Order Methods) in the whole domain or parts of it and thereby reduce the number of computational nodes. The latter alternative will be used in the proposed project, as seen in the figure above. In aero-acoustic analysis, advanced and accurate turbulence models are an essential part in order to achieve well-predicted aero-acoustic sources, which are used together with a wave-propagation/expansion method to simulate the propagation of sound waves. In the proposed project, which is a continuation of the NFFP5-projects MADEF (2009-01346) and ”Aeroakustisk källbeskrivning för prediktering av strukturlaster” (2010-01270), we will develop further the methods initiated in MADEF and combine these with HOM and apply them to aero-acoustic problems. This will lead to improved and robust methods for aero-acoustic and aerodynamic analyzes using turbulence resolving methods.


Lars Davidson (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Fluid Dynamics


Creo Dynamics

Linkoping, Sweden

Linköping University

Linköping, Sweden

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm, Sweden

Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)

Stockholm, Sweden



Project ID: VINNOVA2013-01209
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2016

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