Ultra-high-repetition-rate optical frequency comb technology for optical communications
Research Project, 2013 – 2016

The general aim of this project is to bring the main applicant´s expertise on optical frequency comb technology to the Fiber Optics group at Chalmers University of Technology led by Peter A. Andrekson. The synergy of experiences, together with the top-notch facilities available, place us in a unique position to generate outstanding contributions in the general field of ultrafast photonics, with target applications in optical communications. The scientific objective of this project is to develop optical frequency comb technology that operates at repetition rates >10 GHz and a performance level compatible with optical communications demands. We shall consider two different platforms with distinct implications. First, we will develop opto-electronic frequency comb generators with 10-40 GHz line spacing with specific characteristics to satisfy the demands of emerging applications in optical communications. In a second, more explorative research line, we will study theoretically and experimentally the suitability of silicon nitride micro-ring resonators for the above applications. We will approach these objectives through the first-class optical communication resources available at Andrekson´s group as well as the µ-fab network. While the target applications lie in the telecommunications sector, thanks to the ever-expanding applications of optical frequency combs, we envision that our results will be useful for metrology applications as well, e.g., in astronomy.


Victor Torres Company (contact)

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Photonics


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2012-4878
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2016

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