Systems modeling for energy efficient shipping - part 2
Research Project, 2014 – 2016

Historically, as a consequence of low fuel prices, ship designs have not been focusing on energy efficiency in propulsion. In spite of changes in recent years, ships are still not as efficient as technology would allow. This condition reflects in non-optimal performance not only of the much studied propulsion system, but also on the performance of internal systems (pumps, fans, cooling, heating etc), which are also important parts of the total energy system, as shown in the first part of this project. The overall aim of the second part of the project is that of exploring and evaluating the influence of variable operation parameters on the efficiency of different parts of ship´s total energy system and the resulting influence on the dynamics of the system. This will be achieved by modelling of the systems and evaluation under stochastic input variables and by combining different sub-models into a larger energy system model. One project deliverable is a Ph D thesis.


Karin Andersson (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Maritime Studies


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: 31886-3
Funding Chalmers participation during 2014–2016

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