Molecular Solar Thermal Systems
Research Project, 2014 – 2018

The aim of this project is to explore molecular systems that allow for direct conversion of solar energy into storable chemical energy in a molecular based material, so-called molecular solar thermal (MOST). The MOST energy storage process is reversible with full reuse of the materials in a closed cycle, meaning that it is 100% emission free and pollution free. The primary strategic relevance of these solar energy storage technologies lies in the way that they are needed to create a future society that is independent of fossil fuels. The end user is thus not only the Swedish society, but also the world society. A second part of the project is focused on optimizing the energy of solar photons to better match the energies needed to drive photo-chemical processes. This technology is particularly relevant since it is a general way to improve not only the MOST technology, but a way to improve the energy efficiency of all solar harvesting technologies, beyond the limit of 32% for single junction solar cells. Development of green chemistry from renewable feedstocks is integrated in the project as an underlying objective. The vision is to develop green chemical methods so that all starting materials can be synthesized from renewable feed-stocks as opposed to today where the majority of chemical precursors used in both materials and medicine production stems from petro-chemical refining of oil.


Kasper Moth-Poulsen (contact)

Polymer Technology


Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

Project ID: FFL12-0103
Funding Chalmers participation during 2014–2018

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