DIG IN - Digitalized Wellbeing
Research Project, 2015 – 2016

There is many oppotunities but also many challenges with the emerging new technology. To handle future production systems means that you have to be able to to successfully manage the interaction between humans and technology. With introduction of new technology there are several risks that often results in more work for the operator (technology-driven development without regard to the human that will use the product) that results in increased stress, increased irritation, reduced joy and satisfaction over the work situation. Companies must take advantage of and attentive the staff well-being and subjective experience; otherwise they will risk losing possible workforce.

To support the interaction and optimize the performance, it is important to understand how the operator is thinking. One way to study this is to look at how the operator experience affects his/her productivity. DIG IN wants to measure the experience of a mounting through controlled lab experiments where it is possible to investigate the influence of external factors.

By measuring heart rate, recovery, stress, sleep patterns and the impact of for example light and sound, valuable information can be collected and used to design the future workplace where social sustainability and well-being are keywords.

DIG IN wants to display the well-being of installers can be measured digitally and demonstrate how data can be used and presented in real-time.

Four technical solutions that measures the bio-data (heart rate, EEG, activity, temperature) will be tested in 12 lab experiments to investigate how the operators productivity and experience are affected by external factors (noise, light and station layout). DIG IN will analyze the technitians to see which data it is possible to obtain and how it can be used and visualized to improve the installer's work from a health perspective.

DIG IN wants to answer the following question within the project: How to improve productivity by improving and visualize the well-being of the operator? The objective is to present a demonstrator where wellbeing can be measured digitally in a simple and relevant way. DIG IN will invite experts from the 'Människan i produktionssystemet" for a one-day workshop to get feedback on the chosen solution.

Project leader: Sandra Mattsson, Chalmers University of Technology

This project runs within Produktion2030


Sandra Mattsson (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems

Åsa Fasth Berglund

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems


CGM Group

Borås, Sweden



Project ID: 2015-04500
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2016

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


Areas of Advance

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