Följeforskning av Vinnovas innovationsplattformar för hållbar stadsutveckling (Följeforskning innovationsplattformar)
Research Project, 2013 – 2015

Objective and Goal:
The project will follow and describe the innovation platforms´ activities, analyze the information from an innovation perspective and feed back the results to the innovation platforms and Vinnova. The purpose is to achieve a better understanding of innovation processes related to sustainable urban development and enhanced learning between the participating innovation platforms.

Result and Expected Effects
The project will result in a report that systematizes the observations and provide recommendations for wider dissemination. The report forms the basis for one or more scientific publications.

Approach and Implementation
The project is divided into three phases - an initial start up phase, a descriptive data collection phase and a final analysis phase. The first phase will give a better understand the issues that are relevant and an owerviev of related literature. The descriptive phase form the bulk of the work and will describe the platforms from different perspectives. In the final phase, the intention is to try to gather the different perspectives and present a comprehensive analysis and recommendations for further work.


Jessica Algehed (contact)

Mistra Urban Futures


Mid Sweden University

Sundsvall, Sweden

University of Gothenburg

Gothenburg, Sweden



Project ID: 2013-04630
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2015

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces

Building Futures (2010-2018)

Areas of Advance

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